Lisa was struggling with anxiety and gut issues and now has a whole new lease on life

Lisa, Childcare worker

“I learnt better ways of eating around my cycle, I healed a lot of wounds of the past and I am really grateful for that.”

"I felt a lot more calmer in myself , confident and I also have less and less symptoms each cycle''

Kristar had thyroid & digestive issues, body dysmorphia, depression & anxiety now feels fantastic!

Kristar, Beautician

“ I don't struggle with depression or anxiety or self harm any more and feel pretty dam fantastic! I feel so much better. I know the healing journey is an ongoing one but I feel so much confident now I have the right tools"

Ally was struggling with digestion issues and emotion management. Now she is rebuilding her health, balance, and confidence

Ally, Age 32

"For the first time in a while, I've been able to lose weight...but for me to have that balance in body where I'm doing everything right"
"I've been more confident with myself and my emotional reactions are now so much more stabilized"

Brooke, was having severe anxiety and now she leads a life of empowerment and positive outlook.

Brooke, Age 46

"How I view myself has changed considerably... I understand more about myself and the way I behave or have responses to things"

"I have grown as a person, I'm more positive... I am now in a healthy relationship and everything has improved"

Christine - Focused on healing her gut and emotional wounds to rebalance her body & then the weight just dropped off !!!!

Christine , Age 42

'I think for the 1st time in 40 years I really actually care for myself and its not come from desperation of wanting to lose weight, its comes from me caring myself and valuing myself.'

Courtney went from 10/10 debilitating gut pain, extreme fatigue and anxiety to ZERO gut pain, losing 10kg and increased energy!

Courtney, 28, Brisbane

“I dropped 10kg in the first 2 weeks of starting the protocol. I felt healthier. My bloating is now at a zero '

'I know can go out and stay out and enjoy myself instead of racing home because I feel so sick "

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